Dr. Blake Moore Featured on HR Show

Dr. Moore Talks on Wavy 10 and Fox 43 about Bunion Relief Treatments

Hampton Raods Show
Blake E. Moore, MD, FAAOS
Blake E. Moore, MD, FAAOSBoard Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon
Atlantic Orthopaedic Specialists’ Foot & Ankle Center

Dr. Blake E. Moore, Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon with Atlantic Orthopaedic Specialists’ Foot & Ankle Center, joined Chris Reckling with The Hampton Roads Show to describe non-operative techniques as well as surgical innovations in bunion correction treatments.

Together with Atlantic Orthopaedic Specialists’ other Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr. Michael Campbell, Moore and Campbell provide comprehensive orthopaedic care from their respective offices in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and Norfolk. Specializing in the foot and ankle, Drs. Moore and Campbell’s top procedures include:

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Moore or Dr. Campbell to be evaluated to see what bunion correction treatment is the right solution for you. Call 757-321-3360 or request an appointment here.

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